How the Posts section of my website works
Up: ยง My digital garden, ยง My note taking system
My Posts page is my own implementation of POSSE.
Obsidian is my tool of choice for my notes, and I consider my notes to be a lifelong body of work.
My personal website is built using the Eleventy static site generator, so it's all markdown under the hood. The Posts page is essentially listing all my markdown files with the post
tag, and each post you can click into is a markdown file.
I have properties / frontmatter for Post notes in Obsidian, this is how I list the networks I've syndicated the post to. They show up under the post as icons and link to the URL for the specific post on the network.
Here's an example of a post in Obsidian:

And here's how it shows up on my Posts page:

Also, check out the actual post to see it in full and the clickable syndication links to the networks I posted it on.
I have a specific folder within Obsidian for all my Posts. I wrote a Raycast script command to easily create a new note within the Posts folder, which has all the necessary properties / frontmatter in place.
This script command also automatically takes the contents of another note, if I have one open. This means that I can easily take a journal entry, or a topic note and have a post I can tweak and publish.
I use the Obsidian Bulk Exporter plugin to selectively export my Post notes from Obsidian into a folder that lives in my codebase for my personal website.
From there, it's simply a matter of committing the changes to my Github repository, and Vercel triggers the deployment automatically.
Once a new post is deployed, it ends up in Buffer in the Create space. How this works, is that my posts page has an RSS feed, and I use Zapier to pick up new posts automatically and push them to Buffer.
Once a post is in the Create space, I can very easily schedule it across all networks, and make per-network tweaks.
Right now I manually go and add the links to networks I've shared to. This is something I'm in the process of streamlining.
It was initially a little more work, but once I had this set up it's been much easier to share regularly.