Interoperability requirements of note taking system tools

Up: § My note taking system

■ My notes are a lifelong body of work. Therefore, ■ The tools I use for my note taking system must have solid exporting, or even better, be fully based on open standards and an open file system.

In the simplest sense, my notes are simply a set of markdown files which live in a single directory. Through wikilinks and § My note taking system structure, even with thousands of notes this can remain easy to navigate and work with. My tool of choice must either be directly based on a set of markdown files, or have some way for me to export and easily achieve this.

Obsidian is probably the note taking tool that implements these ideals the most fully, however I love the UX of Bear, and it has been my note taking tool of choice since mid-2017. To accomplish interoperability despite Bear’s proprietary system, I use a Python script to export my notes to markdown files.

Interoperability nice to haves:

  • Integrations (e.g. Zapier) and a publicly available API
  • Shortcuts support