Buffer’s leading indicator results for 2023

Up: § 2023 Shareholder Letter Index

It’s valuable to focus on leading indicators, as by definition, they will indicate that improvements are coming in other metrics. 2023 was a successful year for Buffer across our most important leading indicators. We saw a 2.21% increase in Monthly Active Users to 139,377. Our most significant success was in growing our number of signups, where we welcomed 946,614 new user signups to Buffer, a 28.95% increase compared to 2022. We also saw an increase in new paying customers, with 39,463 new paying customers in 2023, a 9.97% increase from the prior year. This number is likely slightly inflated as we saw a spike in spam / fraudulent new paying customers in April 2023, however, normalizing for this still puts our increase at around 7.5%.