← Posts

I'm tinkering today with my personal website, and in particular my Posts page. This page is my own implementation of the POSSE concept (Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere).

The big upgrade I've made for myself today is that it's now bi-directional. In that, I can create a post from my notes (Obsidian) and easily push it out to all networks, or (this is the new part) I can post something natively (e.g. on Threads) and then easily pull it into my notes and publish it to my website. It's semi-manual in that I need to run a script, but it's working nicely!

My goal has been to implement POSSE and gradually make it as streamlined and seamless as possible for myself. This is a big step forward for me, especially in being able to share quick thoughts and still pull them back to my own ownership.

If you want to take a peek at what I've been working on, check out Posts on my website. And let me know if you have any questions or suggestions! https://joel.is/posts/