Why it’s valuable to tailor content to social networks

Up: § Content creation and distribution

Helping your content spread as far as possible, means that you are maximizing the opportunities to further the cause, the learning, the success, the progress of that topic or overarching purpose.

Literally, the more I can help the content spread, the more I can get out of it, and the more resources I will gain to do great things.

At times I’ve been stubborn on posting the format of content I enjoy writing, that I wish would and believe should do well, instead of posting the format of content that will in fact do well.

❝ Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

Algorithms are real and cannot be ignored. When you participate in a social network, you are working within their rules and practices. And if you want to get the most out of it, you should adapt to how to succeed those most within those rules.

And then, create a bridge between your content in those earned platforms, and your owned platform. The reach can be very high on the earned platforms, but you also have to adhere to the way they work, and they could change at any time or even go away.

So it’s important to invite and bring the audience into your own space, when possible. That way, you can communicate with them in exactly the way you want, and you can fully shape that experience. You also create an extra audience and distribution channel in the process.

Related: How diagrams help with thinking and distribution